Published: 10:14 am May 17, 2022
File Photo: THT
A total of 850 foreigners have been doing time in prisons for their involvement in criminal activities in Nepal, as per recent statistics released by the Department of Prison Management.
According to the DoPM, the foreign nationals are serving jail sentence or awaiting final court verdict in 36 prisons across the country. It said the number of foreigners doing time in Nepali prisons was rising.
Sundhara-based Central Jail houses the largest number (187) of foreign jailbirds.
Similarly, Jhapa District Prison, Nakkhu Jail and Morang Jail have 99, 71m and 61 foreign inmates respectively.
The remaining prisons have one to 45 foreign jailbirds.
The number of foreigners in Nepali prisons indicates the impact of transnational crime on Nepal. Many drug smugglers have been found making Nepal their transit point to push contraband into various countries, according to the DoPM.
A version of this article appears in the print on May 17, 2022, of The Himalayan Times.