The Election Commission issued a press release stating that eligible voters who did not have voter identity cards could cast their vote by producing valid identity cards, such as citizenship certificate, national identity card, passport, or land ownership certificate.

The EC said voters with alternative identity cards would be allowed to vote after staff on poll duty tallied their details with what’s on the voter list.

The EC reminded the public about its directive that barred drunkards from entering polling booths or casting votes.

On the election day, only voters, candidates and their representatives, observers who have received permission from the EC, children below five with their mothers who are eligible to vote, and a family member of differently-abled voter can enter polling booths and vote.

The poll panel also said that anybody with permission to enter a polling booth could not use a mobile phone or any other camera to shoot videos, carry inflammatory objects, arms and ammunition, model ballot papers, or election symbols of any political party.

The EC said if anybody violated poll directives, they would be punished as per laws.

Local polls will be held on Friday in 753 local levels, including six metropolitan cities and 11 sub-metropolitan cities.

As many as 17,733,723 voters are eligible to vote.

A version of this article appears in the print on May 12, 2022, of The Himalayan Times.